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NGO Plavi cvijet

The Plavi cvijet association is an association of parents/caregivers and people with difficulties closely connected with autism spectrum disorder. Our association was founded in 2020 and, ever since then, we have tried to inform the public about the specific needs of our children, to influence the course of the development of local politics concerning the everyday life of people with different disabilities and to carry out projects that help build stronger families and help our children grow. 

We have 61 users of our services (children and adults with diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder) and 142 members (parents and caregivers). We are located in Slavonski Brod, but we have members from every corner of our Brod-posavina County. 

As the most prominent projects we would like to highlight the association facilitating the employment of preschool assistants in cooperation with the town of Slavonski Brod, organizing the development of the specific dental care for people with different disabilities in cooperation with the “Dr. Josip Benčević” General Hospital and hiring several therapists to work with our children in different types of activities. 


For more detailed information on the association and what we do please visit or contact us via e-mail:

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